


最近遇到了一个 glibc/ptmalloc 的内存空洞的问题. 遇到了一个 malloc_trim 的问题.
本来就内存空洞来说, malloc_trim 应该是没有什么作用的.

       The malloc_trim() function attempts to release free memory at the top
       of the heap (by calling sbrk(2) with a suitable argument).

       The pad argument specifies the amount of free space to leave
       untrimmed at the top of the heap.  If this argument is 0, only the
       minimum amount of memory is maintained at the top of the heap (i.e.,
       one page or less).  A nonzero argument can be used to maintain some
       trailing space at the top of the heap in order to allow future
       allocations to be made without having to extend the heap with

但是看了一下相关的文章: , .

都说 malloc_trim 好像可以释放空洞的空间. 我本来是不相信的. 但是我测试了一下.


gdb --batch -p <pid> --ex "call malloc_trim(0)"

发现内存 RES 确实减小了. 这样的话有两个解释:

  • heap top 上本来就有很大的空间, 可以释放.
  • heap holes 确实被释放了.

第一点不可能. 我查看了所有源代码也都没有对于 M_TRIM_THRESHOLD 的修改.
那就是 holes 真的被释放了. 我进一步查看, 注意到虚拟内存的大小并没有发生变化.
我打印了, 操作 malloc_trim 前后的进程的 pmap,diff 了一下发现是一样的.
这直接否定了, 前面的两个猜测.

基于这个事实我猜测: 是不是直接进行了物理内存的映射的解除.

没有线索的情况下, 查看了 malloc_trim 的源代码:

static int
mtrim (mstate av, size_t pad)
  /* Don't touch corrupt arenas.  */
  if (arena_is_corrupt (av))
    return 0;

  /* Ensure initialization/consolidation */
  malloc_consolidate (av);

  const size_t ps = GLRO (dl_pagesize);
  int psindex = bin_index (ps);
  const size_t psm1 = ps - 1;

  int result = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < NBINS; ++i)
    if (i == 1 || i >= psindex)
        mbinptr bin = bin_at (av, i);

        for (mchunkptr p = last (bin); p != bin; p = p->bk)
            INTERNAL_SIZE_T size = chunksize (p);

            if (size > psm1 + sizeof (struct malloc_chunk))
                /* See whether the chunk contains at least one unused page.  */
                char *paligned_mem = (char *) (((uintptr_t) p
                                                + sizeof (struct malloc_chunk)
                                                + psm1) & ~psm1);

                assert ((char *) chunk2mem (p) + 4 * SIZE_SZ <= paligned_mem);
                assert ((char *) p + size > paligned_mem);

                /* This is the size we could potentially free.  */
                size -= paligned_mem - (char *) p;

                if (size > psm1)
                    /* When debugging we simulate destroying the memory
                       content.  */
                    memset (paligned_mem, 0x89, size & ~psm1);
                    __madvise (paligned_mem, size & ~psm1, MADV_DONTNEED);

                    result = 1;

  return result | (av == &main_arena ? systrim (pad, av) : 0);

  return result;

结合一些资料, 注意到了 __madvise(就是 madvise).

The madvise() system call advises the kernel about how to handle paging
input/output in the address range beginning at address addr and with
size length bytes. It allows an application to tell the kernel how it
expects to use some mapped or shared memory areas, so that the kernel
can choose appropriate read-ahead and caching techniques. This call does
not influence the semantics of the application (except in the case of
MADV_DONTNEED), but may influence its performance. The kernel is free to
ignore the advice.

    Do not expect access in the near future. (For the time being, the
    application is finished with the given range, so the kernel can free
    resources associated with it.) Subsequent accesses of pages in this
    range will succeed, but will result either in reloading of the memory
    contents from the underlying mapped file (see mmap(2)) or
    zero-fill-on-demand pages for mappings without an underlying file.

我的猜测是正确的. 在 malloc_trim 的情况, 内存的空洞的物理映射被解除了.
这样就把物理内存返回给了系统, 但是实际上进程的虚拟内存并没有受到影响.

大概也正是因为虚拟内存空间没有收到的影响, 所以 malloc_trim
的 man 上并没有说明这个问题.


在研究内存空洞的问题的过程中, 最大的一个问题就是如何把程序的内存泄漏与 ptmalloc 的
内存空洞问题进行区分. 下面的命令无疑是一个非常有效的方法.

gdb --batch -p <pid> --ex "call malloc_trim(0)"



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